Friday, December 3, 2010

Is There Power in Positive Thinking?

           I definitely think there is power in positive thinking and I’m sure many can agree with this theory as well. People may not realize it, but the mind is a very important and powerful part in one’s body. People that start their day negatively usually end up spending their whole day thinking and feeling negative. Now on the other hand when one starts their day -and life for that matter- positively they usually spend moments in life much better and happier. This are some examples on how by being positive you can manipulate ones mind into having a better life.
           By being positive it gives people the ability to strive for their goal. This is another reason why positive thinking is so powerful. Being dedicated is important because without that dedication people will not take the time to accomplish goals, such as ones professional and love life. People that think positive about their love life, usually spends more time making sure everything is going well and both are happy. Same goes for ones professional life as well. People usually when thinking positive about their work take more time into their assignments and feel more happier when they get a good comment on it. Thinking in this way ultimately helps you because it get you further in life professionally and personally.
            Now people that think negatively like their career will eventually not succeed and would not accomplish anything. When people think negative they eventually do not put any effort into anything and try careless. In time they negative mindset will reflect onto their work and in time they would get fired. This also can happen with their love life as well. When thinking negatively people also end up not putting effort into their relationship which will lead to stress and ultimately to stress and breakup.
            Thinking positively is very powerful in any person’s life. It gives people the motivation to succeed in life and will eventually make you a happier as well. This is why it is best not to think negatively because it can have the opposite effect to anyone. As long as people keep a positive mindset they will most likely have better and successful life.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happiness and Health

Almost everyone can agree of the phrase “Laughter is the best medicine”. People use this phrase without thinking if it is true and when they do think about that idea they usually think it is silly. Many can agree that laughter is a natural source of being healthy. Some sources such as The Laughing Guru by Raffi Khatchadourian, How Your Mood Affect Your Health by Anastasia Stephens and The Positive Influence of Norman Cousins by Shari Roan of The Los Angeles Times are concrete examples that explain how this theory is true. This shows that by being happy and being a laughable person helps one to become a healthier person in body and mind.
Many have had experiences with feeling sad and once they are surround by happy people suddenly their moods change. Being unhappy after time begins to affect someone not only physically but emotionally, as well. When people have an argument with someone else, many can agree that at the moment of the conflict they feel their blood pressure rise. Even when they begin to think about the conflict later on they still feel their blood pressure rise. Studies show that frustration raises people’s blood pressure. These are theories explained in the article How Your Mood Affect Your Health by Anastasia Stephens. Stephens explains how by just having an argument with another for half an hour can result in slowly ones body’s abilities to heal from frustration by at least a day. These studies show that a person mood can affect ones health.
People that believe that laughing is the answer to their health tend to dedicate their life into that theory. By laughing it gives a trigger in one’s mind that there is a sign of happiness, and this gives out positive chemicals into one’s body. In the Article, The Laughing Guru by Raffi Khatchadourian, Dr. Madan Kataria published a book called “Laugh for No Reason” which simply argues how people should laugh more often and not only as a result of a joke but more freely and for no reason as the book says. The book stated “they should do so… by coming together and engaging in simple forms of play… built around faking laughter (78)”. People around the world gather together in an area and simply laugh together for a certain amount of time and talk, joke around then leave. Kataria calls this method “laughing yoga” and he stated to a “Senate committee during a hearing about health-care reform, that laughter yoga could help lower American health- care costs (78)” which means this method works.
Kataria’s method of changing ones health with laughter is agreeable because as stated in Khatchadourian article people described this laughter yoga “as a life-changing release” and these are people that suffer from as the article stated “…with emotional or physical difficulties-- depression, spiritual listlessness, chronic pain…(78)”. People can say that by using things like laughter yoga can bring out better senses of self. Everything in one’s life feels more positive and better when there mood is in that direction. These mood changes happen to affect people’s health as well, it is said by Khatchadourian In 2002, and Charles Schaefer noted that “adults who act happy… for a minute a day are likely to elevate their mood (81). This mood change is a good thing because with this happiness in one’s life it helps to stop depression.
By being unhappy, causes one to become depressed. Depression leads to problems at home or in ones life. This can also affect ones physical attributes such as work or even suicide. Being unhappy makes people stress and discouraged. By feeling depressed, people begin to think negatively and also offensive. This can lead to different scenarios such as getting fired from work and that can lead to depression, as well. Cases like this can affect anyone, for one case a young girl named Alex, she was a 23 year old women. She recently graduated college with a master in Business Administration. Starting her career she was excited in the beginning but as time pass by she became stressed and overwhelmed. With family problem, and work-related problem, it became hard for her to be happy. In time she never spoke about her problems and was stress for quite some time. As time pass by she started lacking on her work and eventually got fired. With her getting fired, and still having family problems, her body eventually wore out and she was sent to the hospital. While she was there the doctor told her that her stress was the cause of her having heart disease. During that experience, she decided not to take life so serious and to enjoy it. As a result, of feeing happy she took the time to relax and plan her next move. Now she always makes time out of her week to laugh and have a good time. She still is working at a hectic job but makes it her priority not to get overwhelmed.
In order cases, people have experience the opposite of the recent experience. Hence Norman Cousin, people say he is the guy who laughed his way to health. Cousin looks for a way to cope with a crippling that he was diagnosed with in 1964. Even though he was diagnosed with this illness it did not stop him from being the funny prankster he was. He watches funny TV shows and large amounts of Vitamin C as stated in the article from the Los Angeles Times, The Positive Influence of Norman Cousins talks about Norman Cousins illness and how it did not stop him from being happy, which eventually lead him to living and longer life. Cousins was so happy that he gotten better he wrote several books on this theory he had found that laughter does make people healthier. His death was the result of heart failure at the age of 75 in a hotel where he had gone to meet a friend for tea. This showed him that by being positive and laughing as a result of happiness can improve one’s health. Norman Cousins suffered from a critical illness and could have led him to become paralyzed. By always laughing and staying positive, Cousins overcame his illness and lived a very long good life.
Sources such as The Laughing Guru, How Your Mood Affect Your Health and The Positive Influence of Norman Cousins are valuable example on how by laughing can improve one’s health. Having conferences just to laugh and being positive and happy are important for one’s health because it bring out one’s chemicals that are good for one’s body. Its best to stay on the positive said because once people engage in the negative and unhappy side of things such as stress and depression it can lead to being unhealthy. It’s best to always even if it’s for no reason for the sake of one’s health.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happiness and Health..

Thesis Statement: By being a happier person it can lead to being healthier.

Source (MLA)
Veenhoven, R. "Journal of Happiness Studies." Vol.9 Issue (Sept2008) 449-460. Print.


Brief Description:
Is happiness good for your health? This common notion is tested in a synthetic analysis of 30 follow-up studies on happiness and longevity. It appears that happiness does not predict longevity in sick populations, but that it does predict longevity among healthy populations So, happiness does not cure illness but it does protect against becoming ill. The effect of happiness on longevity in healthy populations is remarkably strong. The size of the effect is comparable to that of smoking or not. If so, public health can also be promoted by policies that aim at greater happiness of a greater number. That can be done by strengthening individual life-abilities and by improving the livability of the social environment. Some policies are proposed. Both ways of promoting health through happiness require more research on conditions for happiness. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog 7... What Im Grateful for :)

I am grateful for having a big family of nine brothers and sisters that are very untied even though most of them are half brother and sisters. I’m also grateful for not having to worry about getting a job because I have parents that make sure I had at least a couple of dollars everyday and just wanted me to focus on school. I am also grateful for having a father that even though he is strict with me I know he means it in the best way possible. I am most grateful for having a mother that cared for me and loved me to the point that I could not even explain. She was there for me every step of the way. Even though she is gone I am grateful to have her for those fourteen years of my life. I am also grateful for having friends that are their for me threw my good and bad moments. The ones that make me laugh and help me forget all my troubles and make me see that there is good in this life and there is a purpose for living.

Grateful List <3

Walk, See, Hear, Smell
Able to eat.
Being able to breathe
Having a Home
Having Family/Friends
Having clothes on my back
God for not judging
Knowing how to Read and Write
Being Educated

Monday, November 8, 2010

Draft *Draft 6

11/05/2010 Happiness and Relationships
First Draft
People can always argue how being fake isn’t a good thing. John L. Mason once quoted “You’re born an original, don’t die a copy!” which is something everyone can agree with but why is it that people still fall in the temptation of being fake and changing who they are to become part of a certain crowd? Some people do this just to fit in and others do this just because they cannot help it. Books like “Happier” are very good examples of how people change in order to be in a relationship and how they end up feeling in the long run. People that have to change who they are to fit in a crowd aren’t in a real friendship and won’t be truly happy.

In a person’s life-time they come across different stages of fitting in, from the earlier years starting from grade school onto high school and heading all the way to adult hood. People when young always want to fit in the “popular crowd”; they try to change their style to look to a certain way and try to talk to people that normally would care for just so they can be associated with them. When beginning adulthood the situation doesn’t make a dramatic change. They talk to certain people just so they can fit in and ultimately help themselves into a better high standard position. These stages show how people do have moments when they don’t act their true selves but do this to fit in a certain crowd. Even though they know this would not make them truly happy they still do this because they feel that ultimately they would become a happier person.

Being in a group that does things you aren’t interested in and trying to fit into that group will end up making you truly unhappy. You aren’t being true to yourself and your going against something you believe in from it being the smallest to the biggest thing you can think of. By making someone else happy you’re ending up making yourself feel unhappy. You tend to lose yourself when you do this and that becomes to be unhealthy for your body and mind. A real friendship is based on unconditional love. As written in the chapter “Happiness in Relationships” by. Tan-Bel-Shahar the winner of the Israeli squash championship said “I want to women to want me for who I am” (112). Meaning that she doesn’t want to make friends because she won the championship; she wants to make friends with people that see her for who she is other than her winnings.

Friendships are based on unconditional love, without this there is nothing to fight for. By being true to yourself you are being true with the relationship you have with that certain person you want to be friends for. By being real with that person it helps to express your feeling on anything that is going on with your life. By trying to be someone you aren’t it ends up hurting you in the sense that you have to always be some different in front of that certain people and after a while it start to hurt you because you start to hate yourself because if it. They are several cases just like this girl, Ana who in her high school years ended up changing her personalities little by little because she felt that if she did not act just like her friends she will eventually lose them and become alone forever. Slowly it got to the point that she could not act normally around them because her friends would notice and ask why she was acting in that way. Until it came to the point that she had to detach herself from those people and now is living a better life because she realize the her “true friends” weren’t really there for her and by not being with them and acting herself she ended up finding people that truly loved her for her and now she can act as she please and people accept her for that and because of that she is now truly happy.

People tend to not realize that by not being who they are they are stopping something that makes them unique. By stopping their core self it put them at risk of stopping themselves from become something special. Tal-Ben-Shabar says “The core self comprises our deepest and most stable characteristic -- our character.” (114). Meaning that our sore self is what makes us different and set our goals. Without this “core” people have nothing to look for as for goals and dreams. People tend to forget about their Core self and start to see others Core self and try to imitate that instead of their own. They do this so they can become known to the other person and gain acceptance. In the future they tend to regret doing this because they lose a sense of self and feel detached from the world and their life.

Human lifestyle is to gain acceptance from anyone. Commonly from friends, people tend to choose the wrong type of friends. At first they think that the people they call friends are really there for them because people choose to show themselves in a way that they know they would be accepted and once they show their true self that’s when you really know who your real friends are. People that choose to accept you for who your really are the people you need to surround yourself and once you have done that you would become truly happy. As spoken in the chapter “Happiness and Relationships” , once you know your core self and who you represent then you will really find your true friends.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog 5

Peoples love relationships and happiness is something that is going on for ages. Men and women think of love in many different ways. Women think of love as something from a fairy tale. They think the man of there dreams are going to be sensitive yet strong. In addition, once they see them their going to fall in love and be happy forever. Men see the women in their life as people that are there to serve them and cater to them and once they get married their going to be happy forever. Men and women usually do not look at the hard only the good times of things. They do not think that once they get together they might have hard times they only look at it as if they are dissent to be and once they have hard times its not. People do not think that you need to overcome the hard times to be truly happy.
Love and giving. When you see a home less person on the train, would you give them change? If someone falls, would you help him or her get up? You might not notices it but little things like this can affect a person live. How do you feel when you do a good deed? I personally like doing good things not so people can notice but because it makes me happy to know I can help in any way. I do not spend my well-being on just helping other. I try me best whenever I can to help others while I am helping my self. Doing good things make me happy and I know that by doing these good things will happen to me back. This is the reason why I want to become a social worker; I love helping others. I try my best to do what I can and I hope that helps.
Family and love. People say blood is thicker then water. However, when you have a family that does not care for you that is not always the case. For some people family is not always the people you turn to for comforting. Friends ultimately could not be the source of a person’s true happiness. Being with friends that are honesty, giving, and genuinely love you could be the source that makes you happy. If you have family member that want to see you fail and does not care for you because they might envy you for some reason can be the reason why you turn to you friends. If in your heart you believing that your friends are the true people you need to be with to be happy then that is something you need to do. Being with the people you truly believe is there for will lead to your true happiness.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Finding Yourself

After today Ive learned that I might be a good counselor which is a type of field i want to take on. I want to go for something in Social Services and become a social Worker. I found this very interesting because I wasn't sure if I wanted to take on this field but I find this to be the right choice for me and I hope this is the career that right for me. :)

Blog 4

When I was younger I always remember myself telling my parents that I wanted to work. They would look at me like I was crazy. But I always had seen my brothers and sisters working and being so happy when they got their paychecks that it made me wanted to feel that same way. My brother and sister would tell me that work is not meant to be fun. They would tell me you have to be serious when working hard and by working hard you to get what you want which is money and that would make you happy. So I always thought that all I need to do is work hard and I would be happy. But In reality as I got older I learned that I can have fun and work hard. The thing is you have to know how to balance your play time with your work time. During my time working in several places I notice that I can have fun while working. There have been times when I have play too much and noticed that I haven’t been doing my job as much. But I learned that as long as you catch yourself doing things like that and you stop yourself you would be finding. I find myself being happy at work because I can be productive while having fun at the same time. I currently work in the store Ricky’s which I love because I started out with a positive outlook on it and it’s an environment where I can be social, have fun and still be productive by helping others. I enjoy working because it’s a place where I can be serious while still have fun.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog 3

When people think of education, their first thought is not always pleasant. People usually think of school and education as a requirement that is not fun, but you have to get through it to become a happier person in the future. Why do people automatically hate school and think of it as a dreadful place to be in, full of unhappy people and subjects? This is one of several questions being asked in the article “Happiness in Education” by Mark Van Doren and also being touched on in the Film Do Schools kill Creativity By. Ken Robinson. These sources that I have come across have made me think of my experiences during my educational career and have made me want to change for the better. It made me realize that it is because people have different ways of learning. I realized that I am a visual learner and I need to find way as to incorporate that in my educational career in order to become a happier person.
Mark Van Doren little brother loves psychology. He spends his time reading, writing and discussing the subject and he also studies the subject in Harvard. But when he was younger, as a student he hated the subject. This type of feeling is very common in students because their mind is programmed to believe that school is meant to be boring and during your free time you consider it to be fun. I personally found this article very interesting because it is something I can relate too. Ever since I can remember I always been very interested in drawing and fashion, even in class I would have a tendency to daze off or start drawing around my notes. Because of my family and the school system made it seem like the arts was not important; I did not take the effort to considered making a career in that field until this day. With my interests in the arts I notice that the only times I enjoyed class was when something was presented in the form of visual art. But because of the school system not making an effort in teaching us that it is okay to study arts it made me feel mentally dramatize till this day and I still feel subconscious about taking on the field that I desire. Which leads me to a brilliant film called “Do Schools kill Creativity” by. Ken Robinson, which speaks about his theories on Happiness and School.

When I saw Ken Robinson’s film on education I thought to myself this is something I can honestly see myself passing forward to many people so they can see the reality of the school system and how people think. When I saw this film I couldn’t help but to ponder upon all the experience I’ve been through with the school system. In this film, Ken Robinson spoke about how our educational system is built out of a form of hierarchy which are Mathematics and Language on top Humanities in the middle and the Arts at the bottom. By this system we are program to think that the Arts are automatically not as important as the other subjects such as Math and English but in reality they should all be equal. From young we are trained to think that taking a risk is a bad thing. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong you’re not prepared to be original”, a quote from Ken Robinson which means if you’re not prepared to take risk and be wrong then you’re not being yourself. From this film I have learned that I am a very creative person if I set my mind to it. Also, I am a visionary learner meaning that I register things in my mind better if I see the movement in front of me.

By being this visual person I realized that I have to train myself to understand things by seeing it. Maybe if I draw out these situations I have to do in class I would understand the problem better. By making those problems easier and more enjoyable for me maybe it would make my time in school much easier and happier. I have noticed that by taking an art class it has become a form of a stress reliever for me and made me enjoy me other classes much more, so another theory I personally have is that even if you cannot do what you love in your class try to take on a class that you love. Even if it is not part of your major, if you have at least a class that you enjoy it will help you in your other class because it will keep you more focused. These are some things that I’m planning on working on in order to further procure my happiness in school. I feel like by changing this it will help me be happier in school and will further my career in a positive way. By keeping my mind even, I feel like it helps me work much better. Having my required work and the work that I enjoy, which is drawing, it helps me stay focus because me tendency of dazing off or drawing goes away because I made time for that. I feel that so far these strategies are working and I will keep using these ways because it helps me stay happy. 
I’ve learn from this film and article that I have to embrace my inner child in the sense that I have to take chances and be more open to being wrong because by taking risks it makes me more original. I’ve also started taking an art class to get in touch with my artistic side again and I started to wake up thinking more positive about going to class. I feel that I have been feeling much happier. I have started to not think of school of an obligation and more as a privilege and it has been working somewhat, I see myself much happier when I walk the halls to my class day by day. And in time I see myself become very successful because I have a better understanding in how to approach my challenges and know to not be afraid of being wrong because in life you have to take risks as said in Ken Robinson film.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blog 2 ;) Happiness in Education

 When people think of education their first thought isn’t always pleasant. People usually think of school and education as a requirement that isn’t fun but you have to get through it to become happy. Why do people automatically hate school and think of it as a dreadful place, full of unhappy people and subjects? This is one of several questions being asked in the article “Happiness in Education” by Mark Van Doren and also being touched on in the Film “ Do Schools kill Creativity” By. Ken Robinson. These sources that I have come across has made me think of my experiences during my educational career and has made me want to change for the better.

Mark Van Doren little brother loves psychology, he spends his time reading, writing and discussing the subject and studies the subject in Harvard. But when we was younger, as a student he disliked the subject. This type of feeling is very common in students because their  mind is program to think that school is boring and your free time is fun. I personally found this article interesting because its something I can agree with. Every since I can remember I always been very interested in drawing and fashion. But because of my family and the school system always making it seem like the arts wasn’t important, I didn’t take the effort to considered making a career in that field till this day. I feel that the school system didn’t teach this because people wouldn’t normally pick this as a career and I shouldn’t either. I feel so mentally dramatize by that educational system and till this day I feel subconscious about the field I want to take on. Which leads me to a brilliant film called “Do Schools kill Creativity” by. Ken Robinson, which speaks about his theories on Happiness and School.

When I saw Ken Robinson’s film on education I thought to myself this is something I can honestly see myself passing forward to many people so they can see the reality of the school system and how people think. When I saw this film I couldn’t help myself but to think of all the experience I’ve been through with the school system. In the film, Ken Robinson spoke about how our educational system is built out of a form of hierarchy which are Mathematics and Language on top Humanities in the middle and Arts at the bottom. By this system we are program to think that the Arts are automatically not as important as the other subjects Math and English. From young we are trained to think that taking a risk is a bad thing. “If your not prepared to be wrong your not prepared to be original” a quote from Ken Robinson which mean if your not prepared to take risk and be wrong then your not being yourself. From this film I have learned that I am I very creativity person if I set my mind to it. Also I am a visional learner meaning that I register things in my mind better if I see the movement in front of me.
I’ve learn from this film and article that I have to embrace my inner child in the senses that I have to take chances and be more open to being wrong because by making risks it makes me more original. I’ve also started taking an art class to get in touch with my artistic side again and also I started to wake up thinking more positive about going to class. I feel that I have been feeling much happier. I have started to not think of school of an obligation and more as a privilege and it has been working somewhat, I see myself much happier when I walk the halls to my class day by day. And in time I see myself become very successful because I have a better understanding in how to approach my challenges and know to not be afraid of being wrong because in life you have to take risks as said in Ken Robinson film.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog 1 ;)

Gissell Tineo

    Jon Gertner article “The Futile Pursuit of Happiness” shows the different theories from four psychologist that studies different theories on what true happiness is. One important psychologist that I felt I agreed with the most is Dan Gilbert. His theories on happiness and how he believes that there’s  two different types of happiness is something I never have thought about but know can actually say I can believe in because I have experienced it myself.
    Dan Gilbert believes that there is two different types of happiness, synthetic happiness and natural happiness. Synthetic happiness is what you make yourself feel to overestimate the duration of your affect. I personally have plenty of experience of synthetic happiness. Even when I was younger and I would obsesses on the latest sidekick cell phone that would come out. I would get so emotional and would bother my sibling all the time so they could get me that phone. I would tell them all kinds of things like I had to get it, and no other phone can compared to this one. I made it seem like that was the only phone that would make me truly happy. But in reality once I had it, of course I was excited for the first few weeks even months but after a while I grown to get tired of it. When it fell I would get upset and it just felt like a regular phone at that point. There was nothing special about my phone at that point. This was something that showed how synthetic could affect your life.
    Natural happiness to Dan Gilbert is something that you come across in time. Something that I can say is a natural happiness to me is in my junior year in high school I joined a program which help me with homework help and SAT help as well. At first I never really thought anything pass just that but later on I grown to enjoy my time in that program because we not only just did homework we gotten close in a way that I felt comfortable being there and till this day I still go to that place because it’s a place where I truly feel happy and at home. And that to me feels like a natural happiness. I wasn’t only grateful at the fact that they help me with school help but they always helped with personal help and showed me that they really care and that what make me happy.
    Dan Gilbert theories on happiness is something that I can truly agree with and can honestly say I have encounter in my own life. This is why I feel I agree with him that most. His views on synthetic and natural happiness is something interesting because in his arguments he explains that synthetic happiness can me the same if not more affective then actual natural happiness. And I do agree that is can be as affective as natural happiness but I would prefer to live my life in a more natural state of mind.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hi Im Gissell!! Im 18 years old. Im a Scorpio I was born here in the United States But im Dominican!! :) I LOVE Music and going out with friends... I try to keep myself surrounded by positive energy and try not to fall into the negativity.. Im a very social person and a easy person to talk too... Soo If you want to get to know me... FEEL FREE :) And Have A Nice Day..